Thursday, July 29, 2010

First Impressions: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

The demo went online recently, and i had the (dis)pleasure of trying it out.

What i found was much of what i expected, seeing how the first game was critically received. The basic game play is horrible, plain and simple. It feels way to loose and clunky for a 3rd person shooter. At least by today's standards. Getting into cover is way to hard, and running feels wonky. Enemies often see you far before you have any idea where they are, and they added a feature that knocks you down when you get hit with sufficient force. Sadly that "sufficient force" is apparently getting hit by a paint ball. You'll find you're self getting knocked down all the time, and it ends up being way more annoying than interesting.

This is all made worse by the horrible camera. It's pulled in way to close, and has this weird gritty filter. I appreciate the kind of art direction they were going for. It's a decent idea to try to make it feel like raw footage from a low grade camera. In theory I can see it feeling really raw and more realistic. The problem though is that it gets in the way of game play way to much. The Grainy pictures make it too hard to see enemies, and the shaky cam only exacerbates that.

The level design is the one thing I actually tend to like. Environments break down in a very realistic fashion, and they look much like actual places. Sadly it's still not set up very well game play wise. Cover isn't set up right enough, and it can be hard to line up good shots.

This game seems to have some good ideas, but is executed rather poorly as far as i can tell. We won't know absolutely until it comes out, but I'm not holding my breath.

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